Emergency Care
We , at Zabaneh Urology Clinic , believe that giving is more valuable and more important than receiving . Giving a" Class A " service at our clinic is inevitable !
Here , you can find some frequently asked questions and their answers .

Events & News
The world around us is full of news and events . We will try to bring you the world while you are sitting in your chair , enjoying your time and relaxed .
Zabaneh Urology Clinic
Welcome to Zabaneh Urology Clinic , where you shall feel at home !
Here , we master The Art of Urology.
Our medical services cover generally all aspects in the field.
In particular ,we are pioneers in treating Vesico Ureteric Reflux ( VUR ) by endoscopic solutions.
Sexual Medicine , Andrology , Fertility , Prostate Diseases and Urinary Bladder Cancers  are of main interest.
Ultrasound in Urology is a daily procedure at our clinic.
Whenever you need help , we will be there for you !
Best wishes for a healthy life !

The Team .

Take a look at Zabaneh Urology Clinic
A friendly and clean environment. The place to choose for your urological health and well being.